The Tower and Its Demise

As an eclectic witch, I dabble in a lot of different things. I follow my curiosities and see where they lead. One of those things is Astrology. Now, this is a simple glimpse into that as Astrology can get super complicated.

Life is transitioning for me again. When does it not? It’s the only constant in life. Did you know you can see in your birth chart in Astrology where certain eclipses will affect your life? Houses in astrology are places that rule over certain aspects of your life.

See the source image

We just had the Scorpio- Taurus axis of eclipses. Meaning those two signs were affected. Each house has a sign in it even if you don’t have any planets. I have Scorpio in my fourth house, and I have Taurus in my tenth house.  They are an axis so they will always be across from each other on the chart, don’t worry if it looks like you have two signs in your houses. It is whatever the majority of the house falls into. Taurus does dip into my eleventh house as well. I can tell you though that this really resonated for me at this time. I have been searching for a job for a while now, mainly trying to work from home, but I couldn’t seem to get my foot in the door. I went back to my old employer, who didn’t have any hours to give me even though they wanted to. So, I have now switched over to looking for something in-person. I have multiple interviews this week.  This is definitely not where I thought I was going with my career. I am still building this business, but some of the things I feel I need are still out of grasp (another limiting belief that I’m currently deconstructing). It is funny how the houses on this axis work together to transform.

Now I mentioned that my 4th house was also affected by this axis I can’t speak to a lot of it yet. The 4th house is a very private house and I’m still making moves. As it mainly has to do with family and your foundation. You could say I had a tower moment if you are familiar with Tarot.

Most people see the Tower card as a horrible thing. They loathe seeing it in a reading. When you think about it though the tower card is taking you back to your foundation. Life builds this tower with blocks made from traumas, karma, limiting beliefs, religion, and shadow aspects. Then as you go through different levels of awakening you start playing Jenga and start deconstructing.

That tower becomes unstable. I started playing Jenga when I deconstructed my religious beliefs then again when I started my self-love practice. The last block I pulled was when I got up at 4 am to do a ritual release of the things in my life that no longer served me on the night of the Lunar Eclipse. And my tower is falling right along that axis! Trust me, I know the risks of using the energy of the eclipse, but I knew I needed some powerful help when I struggle to let go of things that no longer serve me. I was ready for it though. This is what I was asking for. I am taking messy action to create the life that brings me joy.

There is a hope that comes with a tower moment. I have said it before and I’ll say it as many times as needed, you came from love and will return to love. You are not broken or automatically sinful or evil. Meaning your foundation, the base that your tower stands on is love. Your true essence as a soul is love! Sometimes we need the stuff on top to crumble so we can get back to that love. Clearing all those bricks of traumas, karma, limiting beliefs, religion, and shadow aspects is hard work and you will grieve them. It’s like when renovating a house and you find hardwood floors hidden under the ugly dirty carpet! So, if you feel lost in the moment of the tower, look for the love all around you, from guides, from family, from friends, but most importantly from yourself.

I can feel some of you say, I’m not a reader or medium or psychic how do I see the love of my Guides? Let me tell you a story…

My husband and I are fighting. I’m sitting on the floor crying. I turn on my playlist with over six hours of music to raise my vibration and these are the songs that come up….

Stronger… Britney Spears

Spice up Your Life… Spice Girls

Survivor…. Destiny’s Child

Rolling in the Deep… Adele

My playlist is on Shuffle. How else would the perfect songs come up right as I needed them? I have a very eclectic taste in music. My music player could have chosen any songs, but it chose these. You always have a connection, those things that you think are coincidences are not! They are help through the unknown! The unknown is scary. It’s a dark and lonely place. But seeds don’t grow unless they are planted. The moon is more beautiful in the dark. The place that you need to be in to grow and change is in the dark with faith that light will come soon. Have faith dear ones, we are divinely guided always. I heard the song Work by Britney Spears 4 times yesterday and while I was typing this, I got a job! Hope is always there. Whether it’s the light at the end of the tunnel, the small flame of a candle, the silver lining of a cloud, the moon peaking behind the clouds, or your own light within you, Shine Beauties, Shine!

With Love
